Los Angeles Region FIRST® LEGO® League (LAR FLL)
2013 Qualifying Tournament (QT) Registration
The FLL Team Registration and Events (TRE) System operates on Greenwich Mean TIme (GMT).
for QTs opens October 8 and closes October 14 GMT.
That's 5:00 PM October 7 to 5:00 PM October 14 Pacific Daylight Time.
Step 1. Select the QT(s) Your Team Wants To Attend
You can find a list of eleven QTs in the tab on the right: 2013 Tournaments.
Additional information about QTs may also be available in the tabs on the right (NOT YET).
You may see a green Apply Now button while you are checking information about QTs.
Resist the temptation to click on this button. If you do, you will get the following error messages:
You have no teams eligible to apply to this event.
Teams not on the event's restricted team list.
If you encounter this error, just use your browser's back button to return to the event information screen.
Step 2. Coach or Co-Coach Applies for Event
- Open the 2013 LAR FLL QT Registration Form on Google Docs. No login is required.
- This link will be inactive unless QT registration is open.
- If you are correcting a previous submission, check the Correction box.
- Enter your Team Information.
- Enter any Constraints that limit your choice of QTs.
- Constraints are only valid if they affect the availability of the coach or multiple team members.
- Enter your team's QT Preferences, with 1 being your first choice QT and 11 being your last choice QT.
- Experienced teams should choose earlier events and leave the later events for rookies who need more time.
- Teams that provide fewer choices than their constraints clearly justify will have all unmarked unconstrained choices weighted equally as their next choices.
- Enter contact information if your team can provide Event, Setup and/or Breakdown Volunteers.
- Click on the Submit button
Step 3. Team Pays QT Registration Fee
- Pay the $65.00 Qualifying Tournament Registration Fee by October 14, 2013 at 5:00 PM Pacific.
- Paying early increases your chances of getting your first choice event
- QT Registration Fee Payment Instructions
Step 3. QT Event Coordinator Assigns Teams to Events
- This is always difficult, because so may teams choose the late events and shun the early events.
- This step happens after QT Registration closes.
Step 4. Team Is Notified of Event Registration Via E-mail