Los Angeles Region FIRST® LEGO® League (LAR FLL) 2013 Championship Tournament (CT) RegistrationStep 1. The FLL Partner Confirms Advancing Team CT Assignments- Advancing and Alternate teams will be assigned to CTs at their Qualifying Tournaments (QTs).
- Teams will be given an opportunity to provide preferences or to swap assignments.
- QT Directors will notify the FLL Partner of the advancing and alternate teams and their CT assignments.
- The FLL Partner (LeRoy Nelson) will send confirmation emails to advancing teams shortly after each QT.
- Registration
for CTs opens when your CT Assignment is confirmed via email
and closes 7 days later or at 4:00 PM November 30 Pacific Standard Time
(midnight GMT), whichever comes earlier.
Step 2. Coach or Co-Coach Applies for Event - Click on the EVENT DESCRIPTION & REGISTRATION LINK for your assigned CT at 2013 Tournaments.
- You will be asked to log in to the FLL Team Registration and Events (TRE) System unless you are already logged in.
- Click on the Apply for the event button.
- Select your team from the drop down menu.
- Click on the Next step button.
- Answer the team registration questions about attendees, volunteers and event preference.
- Click on the Apply button.
Step 3. Event Coordinator Approves or WaitLists Teams that Applied for Events- Advancing teams will be Approved
- Alternate teams may be Approved or WaitListed
Step 4. Team Is Notified of Event Registration Via E-mailStep 5. Approved Team pays CT Registration Fee
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